2024-2025 Loft Young Writers' Anthology

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The Loft’s Young Writers’ Program offers year-round, high-quality, enrichment-based creative writing instruction across genres, to all levels, for kids and teens ages 6-18. Many classes are taught by award-winning, published writers. Loft classes are process based, rather than product based, and seek to support children and teens as they become excited, engaged writers and readers.

The Loft's Young Writers' Program publishes an annual anthology of students' writing in the Loft Young Writers Anthology from youth participants in community programs and in-house programs. Our goal is to provide a safe space for youth to express themselves, regardless of their experience, background, ethnicity, and/or identity, and elevate their voices and unique perspectives.

Eligible students may submit up to 3 double-spaced pages. Work must have been written, started, or revised in a Loft workshop or class between September 2024 to September 2025. Submissions close on September 8, 2025 at 11:59 PM.

Please note that we do not accept any submissions or publish work that contains hateful language, bigotry, homophobia, or violate the Loft's Code of Conduct policy or Strategic Framework. If your work contains any sensitive or difficult topics, please include a content warning with your submission.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.